Pak Ranger killed in BSF,s retaliation firing on IB in Kanhachak

JAMMU: One Pakistani Ranger was killed in retaliation firing by the BSF troops along International Border (IB) in Kanhachak sector of Jammu, official spokesman here said on Tuesday.
Pakistani Army late on Monday night violated the ceasefire and fired unprovoked and targeted the BSF posts on IB in Kanhachak sector,? said the spokesman.
He added that alert BSF troops effectively responded to the cross-border firing with similar calibre and in retaliation, one Pakistani Ranger was killed.
The exchange of firing lasted till wee hours, he added and said that no damage or injury was reported on own side.
The troops have been put on high alert and they are geared up to face any challenge, said a senior BSF official.
He however, also lauded the Indian Air Force and the Central government for conducting the air strikes in Pakistan in which the training camps of Pakistan originated Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorist outfit was destroyed.
The morale of our troops as usual is very high and they are ready to give befitting reply to any provocation from across the border, he added.(AGENCIES)