Pakistan has no locus standi on Mumbai’s ‘Jinnah House’: MEA

NEW DELHI: India on Thursday asserted in crystal clear language that Pakistan has “no locus standi’ on Jinnah House in Mumbai and the Central Government is in the process of renovating it and putting it to “effective use” on the lines of  Hyderabad House in the national capital.

“Pakistan is not in the picture….they have no locus standi as far as this property (Jinnah House in Mumbai) is concerned,” MEA spokesman Raveesh Kumar told reporters here brushing aside Pakistan Government’s observation that Islamabad will ‘not relinquish’ its claim on the house.

“It is a Government of India property,” Mr Kumar asserted and added: “We are actually in the process of renovating it and putting it in “effective use” on the lines of what we do with Hyderabad House in New Delhi”. (AGENCIES)