PF Commissioner delivers lecture on goal setting

PF Commissioner Rizwan Uddin receiving memento from school principal on Wednesday.
PF Commissioner Rizwan Uddin receiving memento from school principal on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 4: DBN Amarvilla hosted the seventh episode of its Oratory Odyssey series, on the topic “Motivation Through Goal Setting” today. This initiative aimed to inspire students aged 12-17 to set clear goals and work towards achieving them.
Renowned speaker Rizwan Uddin, Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, shared his expertise on personal development and leadership, emphasizing achievable goals in academics and professional life.
Setting goals is a powerful way to boost motivation. Rizwan expressed his delight in engaging with the students and reiterated the importance of perseverance and determination in the pursuit of success. The goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. He detailed the goal-setting process, emphasizing choosing a career field, setting goals, internalizing, planning, practicing, reviewing, and enhancing efforts.
“Uncertainty is certain, never mind if you have to travel on a bad road. Your next journey might be blissful. Take the first step believing in yourself and you will achieve your goals,” said Rizwan Uddin. Putting your goals in writing can help you clarify and focus on what you want to achieve. One must divide large goals into smaller manageable tasks to help you stay focused and motivated, he added.
DBN Amarvilla’s Oratory Odyssey series, led by Principal Ranju Malhotra, aims to empower students with the right mindset and skills to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. She said, “This episode’s focus on goal setting will undoubtedly inspire students to work towards their dreams.”