Plight of migrant voters

The joint Chief Electoral Officer J&K State  has  been doing a  commendable exercise  for  up-dating  the  electoral  rolls, but  so  far  as migrant  voters  are  concerned , they still remain neglected  on many accounts.
Long  back in May 2013, the migrant electors  in Jammu were issued  the  requisite forms  bearing the names of  individual voters  at various  notified  zonal offices  for  the  purpose  of  preparation of  EPICS.  The  voters  returned  the  said  forms to their  respective  zones  after this  whole  exercise  was  done by  the  voters  in scorching  heat  of  summer  bearing  all types  of  inconveniences. After a  gap  of three months  a  small  section of  voters  was  informed  trough  press  to  collect  their  EPICS while the majority of voters  was  dropped. A very large  number  of  voters  from Srinagar  district  have  yet to  receive  their EPICS.
Equally  pathetie  is  the  story  of  inclusions  and  deletions  of names  in the  electoral rolls .The names  of  some voters  have  been deleted  from their parent  mohalla like Balgargen  and  adjusted  in the  adjoining  mohalla  like Karan Nagar falling  under  Batmallo constituency . The names  of  some electors   who figured  in draft roll  of 2012 are found  missing in the  revised role  of  2013. The inclusion  forms  submitted  under  receipt  by  such voters  are  eating  dust  and their names  still remain  to be  included  in the  latest  revision of  2014.
The joint Chief Electoral officer  is  requested  to  devise  a  fool proof  system to look into  the problems  of  migrant  voters. We  appreciate  the  deputation of  district-wise  election officers  directly  from valley  to Jammu for  speeding  up  the process  of the finalization of  the process of EPICS. Lastly the handful staff  working  at  Election officer Shanker  Building Akhnoor road , Jammu  need  to  be  advised  not  to be callous  and  arrogant   with  the  electors  when they approach them for help.
Yours  etc…..
Maharaj Krishan Koul “Naqaib”
Durga Nagar Sec-I