Primary Education

This has reference to the news item, ‘Invest primarily in Primary Education’ DE Dec 22.
The Education Minister has correctly diagnosed the disease with which our education system is afflicted. If education system in the State is to improved, it is to be started from primary classes. Primary education in Government run schools is in shambles as the primary schools do not have requisite paraphernalia to meet the needs of children. Usually, the problem starts with syllabus of the students. The syllabus is so sub-standard that it is nowhere near the education imparted in private schools. In private schools, the subjects are taught in English while as in Government run schools it is in vernacular. Besides, teacher posted in primary schools are not competent enough to teach children. This is due to the fact that teachers are not trained for the job before they are assigned their duties. Then there is dearth of teachers in these schools. One or  two teachers are posted in schools. The teachers have besides teaching the responsibility of official work, which includes mid-day meal.
Unless Government studies the maladies afflicting the primary education, no chance of quality education can be expected from these schools.
Yours etc…
B K Sharma