Primary school functions in single room

Excelsior Correspondent

Students of 3 classes in a single room.                    -Excelsior/ Younis Khaliq
Students of 3 classes in a single room.
-Excelsior/ Younis Khaliq

Srinagar, Sept 30: What reflects the sorry state of education sector in State, a primary school established in 2013 under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is functioning in a single room with poor pupil-teacher ratio in south Kashmir’s Shopian district.
Located at Bania Mohalla of Chotipora in the district, the Government Primary School is functioning in a single rented room from last two years. The room is used for learning purposes as well as office work by teachers.
Though the school is primary but only three classes are being studied which include KG, First and 2nd Standard. Negating the rationalization claims of Government, the pupil-teacher ratio is also poor with only 2 teachers for 40 students in the school.
When contacted, the Deputy Chief Educational Officer of Shopian, Muhammad Sadiq told Excelsior they are mulling to construct a building for the school. “We would have merged the school with a High School which is some 1.5 kilometers away but because small children would face difficulties in reaching, we dropped that plan,” he said.