Prize distribution function for hearing handicapped held

Excelsior Sports Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 24: Chief guest Shantmanu, Divisional Commissioner Jammu in a simple but impressive function distributed prizes among the hearing /speech impaired students for excelling in Painting Competition organized in connection with the celebration of International Week for deaf with the theme “Equality for Deaf” at J& K Samaj Kalyan Kendra Secondary School Shahidi Chowk on United Nations Day, here today.
He was welcomed by the Children of the school alongwith the Management of the Kendra.
The event was jointly organized by Nirvana Academy, Disabled Care Foundation, Voice for Rights, Mindscape Educational and Environmental Trust in collaboration with J& K Samaj Kalyan Kendra Secondary School Shahidi Chowk Jammu and was supported by Bharti Inratel Team Jammu.
The sapling of the Lakshmi Taru (Simarous a glauca Scientific name) was also planted by chief guest on the occasion. The significance of this tree is that it consumes highest amount of carbon dioxide and purifies the environment and helps in reducing heat.
As many as 81 students participated in the said competition under three different categories.
The competition was adjudged by Bhushan Kesar, a renowned painter.
Under Category from Ist to 5th Class, Sabhia secured first prize, while Sofia and Ritesh Singh bagged second and third prize respectively.
Under category from 6th and 8th Class, Priya secured first  prize, while Shikha  and Pankaj Lakhotra bagged second and third prize respectively. Similarly, Under category from 9th to 12th, Vishali Raina secured first  prize, while Raheela  and Sudha Verma bagged second and third prize respectively.
The certificates of the participation were also distributed among all the participants who took part in Painting and Cultural activities.
Inderjeet Khajuria, president of the J& K Kalyan Kendra and Shantu Manu interacted with the students on the occasion.
Prominent among others present on the occasion were J K Vaid, K S Jamwal, Roshan Bhan, Ravi Puri and Umesh Sharma.