*Prof Desh Bandhu releases book

Excelsior Correspondent

Prof Des Bandhu, Director College Development Council releasing a book along with other dignitaries at Sai Shyam College of Education in Jammu on Wednesday.
JAMMU, Dec 26: Sai Shyam College of Education organized an annual Alumni Meet in College premises, here today.
A large number of ex-students participated and recalled their college days and expressed their views on the occasion.
Prof Desh Bandhu, Director Colleges Development Council, University of Jammu was the chief guest on the occasion, while Prof Lokesh Koul, Prof Emeritus HP University was the guest of honour.
The Programme began with lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the dignitaries.
Dr Usha Tickoo, Principal of the College presented welcome address and gave a resume of achievements of College during the past year. She mentioned that a number of academic activities and developmental works have been carried out in the college.
On the occasion, the chief guest Prof Desh Bandhu released a book titled “Quality Enhancement of Teacher Education: Some Innovatory Insight” edited by Dr Usha Tickoo and Dr J L Raina.
The book is based on the collection of selected papers presented by subject experts in a seminar organized by the college.
In his address, the chief guest advised the Alumni to highlight the quality education provided in the College.
Prof Lokesh Koul in his address said that value education and inclusive education should be given top priority in teacher education.
C L Tickoo, Chairman of the College in his address assured full cooperation and contribution for the progress of the College.
Students presented various colourful cultural items on the occasion.
The Ex-Students of the college visited the latest additions in the academic block such as Smart Class Room, Conference Hall etc.
Prof Rajni Koul presented vote of thanks, while the proceedings of the programme were conducted by Prof Nidhi Koul.