Quality education vital for students’ overall development: Bhalla

Excelsior  Sports Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 1: Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture, Raman Bhalla, has called upon the teaching fraternity to ensure quality education to the students besides according equal focus on enthusing high ethos among them which is pre-requisite for their overall development.
This was stated by the Minister while addressing a function held at Government Girls High School, Gandhi Nagar, here today.
On the occasion, artists of Cultural Wing of State Information Department and students of the school presented colourful cultural items which received great applause.
Director School Education, Tushar Kanti Sharma, Managing Director Jammu and Kashmir Housing Board, Ram Pal Sharma, Chief Education Officer Tarseem Lal Bhagat and Principal of the school, Mussarat Jabeen were also present on the occasion.
Bhalla said a child is nourished by parents while the teachers shape his personality in a right perspective thus building a firm base for a strong nation.
The Minister said such programmes encourage the students harness their talent besides giving them much needed exposure.
Spelling out measures of the Government for spreading the reach of education in the State, Bhalla informed that free education is being extended to below poverty line students. Besides, Government provides free books, mid-day meal and uniforms he added saying that scores of schools have been opened and upgraded in every nook and corner of the State under RAMSA and SSA.
The Minister highlighted the role of the teachers and parents in the life of the children and stressed on the need of a strong partnership among them.  He asked the students to work hard and achieve excellence in their exams.
Later, Bhalla distributed mementos among the students and artists of State Information Department who performed in the cultural programme.