Rajendra reviews law & order scenario of Valley

DGP K Rajendra chairing a meeting at Srinagar on Monday.
DGP K Rajendra chairing a meeting at Srinagar on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Feb 8: Underscoring the need for greater synergy among the law enforcing agencies, Director General of Police (DGP), K. Rajendra Kumar has asked the police to put in place efficient measures for maintaining peace and order. He said that coordination is imperative to make such efforts successful while ensuring law and order in the State.
Mr. Rajendra was chairing a high level meeting of senior officers from police, central para-military forces and intelligence agencies at Police Control Room (PCR) here today.
The meeting deliberated on various issues relating to law and order situation in the Valley. Officers representing different agencies briefed the meeting about the measures put in place for maintaining peace and order and ensuring security of the people.
Mr. Rajendra said that safety and security of the people is our prime concern and every effort of the elements inimical to peace should be foiled firmly. He said that JKP with other sister agencies has prevailed rule of law after facing tough challenges and have succeeded to maintain sense of security among the minds of the people. Public cooperation has helped to make our efforts fruitful and the Organization is giving impetus to strengthen relations with the people for eradication of crimes from the society, he added.
DGP said that innovative mechanism was put in place by the law enforcing agencies to foil the ill designs of anti social elements. Monitoring and supervision at different levels has been ensured among rank and file of the Organization and the people’s faith upon the force has increased the responsibility to ensure peaceful atmosphere in the State, said the DGP.
Mr. Rajendra asked the officers to maintain surveillance of the elements trying to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere and take all preventive measures to desist such elements from their ill designs.
Mr. Rajendra reiterated that nobody is above law and one who breaks the law would be dealt with firmly. He said that while dealing any situation, it should be ensured that law abiding people are not put to any inconvenience during their day to day activities.
IGP Kashmir Zone, SJM Gillani and other officers briefed the meeting about the measures taken to strengthen the coordination among different agencies and maintain law and order in the Valley. They said that input sharing has ensured good results at different fronts to curb anti-social activities.
Among others, the high level meeting was attended by IG CRPF, Atul Karwal, JD IB, Harmeet Singh, IG CRPF (Ops), Nalin Prabhat, IGP CID, AG Mir, IGP IRP, Sunil Kumar, DIG CKR GH Bhat, DIG CID Kashmir, Kifiyat Hyder, SSPs, Amit Kumar, RK Jalla, Javaid Koul, Shahid Miraj, Maqsood-u-Zaman, Tahir Sajad, Suhail Munawar Mir, Manzoor Ahmed Shoori and CO 48 Bn.SSB, K Ranjit and other police officers.
Later, Mr. Rajendra visited Baramulla to take on spot stock of law and order situation of North Kashmir Districts. He convened a meeting of officers and discussed various aspects for ensuring peace in the Range.
The meeting was attended by DIG NKR, Gareeb Dass, SSP Baramulla, Mir Imtiyaz Hussain and other police officers of the Range.