Reassurance from Army Chief

Is Army being empowered? It was treat to hear Army Chief speaking the language of the army, in the army tone; with confidence and clarity. It is delighting to read Tavleen Singh praising him in her article published in DE on 18 Jan. Lucky Chief to have escaped the wrath of politicians often reserved for generals in plenty. The pity is that it came too late. Had we done it, by the afternoon of 8th, President and PM would have been seen sitting in Kayani’s office to know what he has done to retaliate and how should they defend the rogue army. If it was Israel, their PM and Chief would have been seen meeting in the corridor within minutes, each walking to the others office. In America their Chief would have met Obama within an hour after such incident. But in India Chief was taken to PM ‘s office after four days to discuss what he should be saying on 14 Jan so that peace loving PM is not exposed. Mendhar incident reminds us of Gen Kapoor’s reply when asked by a reporter “is army ready for war?”. He paused, took a deep breath and said “every Indian soldier is ready to die for his motherland.” Many more will die if we have Generals speaking like politicians.
Admire Tavleen telling the nation that till India has ‘Operation Osman bin Laden’s Killing’ type military capability, we will continue to suffer the doings of Hafeez Sayeed & ISI. We of course have such special elite forces which can do it but unfortunately they are defending VIPs. We do not have offensive mindset. To that extent Gen Kapoor’s answer was right. China has issued new directive to PLA ‘be ready to Fight and Win’. This directive is related to China – Japan standoff in South China Sea. Hope our PM has read that news. Will our govt issue such directive to our armed forces soon in view of existing threat perceptions?
Yours etc….
Col J P Singh
Gandhinagar, Jammu