Repair Batote-Nashri road

This is to draw the attention of concerned authorities towards the dilapidated conditions of road stretch from Batote to Nashri (Distt. Ramban). The road has developed numerous potholes that makes it unworthy of traffic. The worst sufferers are the owner of the light motor vehicles as it causes great wear and fear to the vehicles. It is pertinent to mention here, that this stretch of road is the only link to the twin districts of Doda and Kisthwar. Moreover, the possibility of road accident has been looming large on this road.
As such, it is requested to the authorities at the helm of affairs to wake up from deep slumber before any untoward incident happens. Further more, this stretch of road be repaired at the earliest so that commuters may get rid of bumpy ride.
Rakshit Khajuria
Beroon Batote (Ramban)
Make alternative arrangements
on Jammu-Pathankot road
This is to bring in the notice of the concerned authorities that due to washing away of Tarnah Bridge on Jammu Pathankot road due to recent floods in the area, commuters are facing hardships in travelling from one place to another. Almost all sections of society have been effected due to this, particularly employees and patients who have to go other places to seek treatment. As such it is requested that alternative arrangements be made so as to ease traffic problem on this route.
We hope action will be taken on priority by the concerned authorities.
Shakti Paul Singh
Roopnagar, Jammu
Stray cattle menace in Janipur
Stray cattle menace has become a cause of nuisance in Janipur Sabzi Mandi. Scores of stray cattle roam here day in and day out as a result, it hinders free flow of traffic on the busy road leading to Bantalab. Janipur is already a congested area, the presence of stray cattle has made it more congested.
These cattle at times can been seen sitting in the middle of roads or can be seen fighting with each other, thereby injuring not only themselves but also the passers by. At times they can be seen prowling over left over food items or pestering vegetable sellers and buyers.
Their presence often creates traffic snarls particularly during evening hours when customers throng the sabzi mandi. The JMC authorities have been time and again informed about this problem, but they have been apathetic towards the situation so far.
It is once again requested that the JMC authorities take cognizance of the matter, and redress the problem once for all.
Mohd Irfan
Repair drains in Adarsh Nagar
I want to bring to your attention a pressing issue that has been causing significant concern among the residents of Adarsh Nagar, Bantalab (Lane No. 5 & 5A)- the deteriorating condition of the drains in our area.
Over the past few months, the state of the drainage system in our locality has been worsening, and it has started to impact our daily lives. The damage to these drains has become evident during recent heavy rainfalls, leading to flooding in the streets, waterlogging and a potential risk to public health. The stagnant water has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other disease-carrying pests, which is particularly worrisome given the ongoing health challenges we face.
The consequences of the damaged drains are not limited to health hazards alone, but have also created unsafe conditions for pedestrians and posing a risk to vehicular traffic as well.
I urge the concerned authorities to take immediate measures with regard to repair and maintenance of our drainage system. It is crucial that this issue is addressed promptly to prevent further damage and to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents.
Aadvik Bhat
Adarsh Nagar , Bantalab
Water-bill collection problems
This is to draw attention of the concerned authorities in JAL Shakti Department towards collection of water fees by the Department.
The department which boasts of getting digital online does not function to the satisfaction of consumers when it comes to water bills.
No proper system has been framed to collect water bills from consumers. The consumers are not in the first instance informed about water dues pending or the amount to be deposited.
Earlier, they would collect water dues manually by making door to door collection. Now that system has been shelved, and they have gone for electronic mode or e-bills. Had a system like the one adopted by the PDD be in place, the consumers would not suffer. It will take more time to streamline the system first, and the go for e-bills.
The Department authorities are requested that they should make a monthly provision for collection of bills, as all consumers can not pay annually in one go, or in case they failed to deposit the same, then it may accumulate to Rs 12000 next year which may become a liability for the poor consumers.
It is therefore suggested that the Department should send e-bill messages monthly to consumers to enable them deposit at their ease; and those who want to pay annually, let them do so. This way both the department and consumers will be beneficiaries.
Ravinder Sharma
Gandhi Nagar, Jammu
Urgent appeal for road repairs in Lower Roop Nagar
The dilapidated state of the road adjacent to HDFC Bank, Lower Roop Nagar stretching towards Durga Nagar in Ward no 66, has triggered frustration among residents who are now raising their voices against the long-standing negligence of the concerned authorities.
Commuters and pedestrians alike are grappling with the deteriorating condition of this crucial thoroughfare, which has been left unattended for years. Despite local efforts to temporarily address the issue by filling potholes, the road’s overall condition continues to worsen, posing significant risks to the lives of those who depend on it.
The onset of the monsoon season has exacerbated the problem, with muddy patches and unrepaired potholes turning the road into a hazardous obstacle course. Residents report that navigating this stretch becomes a perilous endeavour, especially during heavy rainfall when the road’s condition deteriorates further.
Commuters and pedestrians are not the only ones facing inconvenience; the condition of the road also has serious implications for public safety. During inclement weather, the risk of accidents increases substantially due to the road’s uneven surface and lack of proper drainage.
Frustrated and concerned about their safety, the residents of Lower Roop Nagar are appealing to the relevant authorities in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir to address this pressing issue without further delay. The community demands urgent repairs to the road and a lasting solution to prevent such problems from recurring in the future.
As the residents wait anxiously for a response, the spotlight remains on the responsible authorities to take immediate action and ensure the safety and well-being of the people who rely on this vital transportation artery.
The concerned Corporator is also once again requested to take up the matter with the department for early disposal.
Ajay Sharma
Ward No. 66