Repair Housing Board Flats road

The residents of Housing Board Flats, Gandhi Nagar Ward No. 21 want to draw the attention of the JMC authorities towards the bad condition of the road passing by the flats. This road is riddled with potholes and puddles causing great inconvenience to the residents here. The matter has already been taken up with the authorities,but remain unresolved so far. In this regard it is once again requested that the road be repaired at the earliest.
Shakun Kohli
Gandhi Nagar

Black topping in Swaran Vihar
Swaran Vihar (Police Colony) invites attention of Municipal Authorities towards the problems that are confronted by the residents of the said colony. It is pertinent to mention here that at several occasions the burning issues of the Colony stood raised before the Authorities viz a viz Black topping of the roads both interior and main but excepting few, majority of lanes are still unmacadamized.
The Swaran Vihar Welfare Committee has also submitted a detailed list of lanes that need immediate black-topping to the concerned Corporator of Ward No. 64 for necessary action in the matter and we hope that grievance with regards to issue of macadamization is redressed as early as possible.
S N Raina

Traffic mess in Jammu
The traffic scenario in Jammu city often results in chaos which badly disturbs the life of common citizens. With each passing day the number of personal and private vehicles on city roads is swelling, which results in traffic jams for long hours in city.
The need of the hour is that the UT as well as Union Government should promote the service of public buses in city routes and also restrict further issuance of licence to private mini operators. Only with this method, the problem of traffic congestion can be resolved.
Sanjay Dhar
Laxmi Nagar Sarwal, Jammu

Repair Reasi road
People living in different villages of Sub District Reasi are suffering due to the worst condition of the roads which are not being maintained and upgraded as per the local standards leave aside the national approach. Two roads are in very bad condition. One is the main road which leads from Katra-Reasi towards Pouni-Rajouri. The residents of Karua, Bhaga ,Reasi, Pouni, Khuldi, Thakrakote, Chinkah and Narlu in Sub District Reasi and their adjoining areas are suffering due to bad condition of the roads for last 2/3 years. Muddy patches and potholes on the roads are a permanent feature putting the lives of the people at great risk. The roads which are under construction for the last two or three years are still incomplete and leading to great hardship including environmental hazard. These road construction works were started more than two years ago by the contractors, but the completion has been delayed for unknown reasons. As a result, during rainy days it becomes almost impossible to even walk on these roads. Besides the main roads, all adjoining roads are also dotted with potholes, lack of proper drainage system and dust which causes huge inconvenience to commuters. These roads not only link Reasi and Arnas, Katra and Reasi, Reasi and Pouni tehsils but also provide connections to more than 2.5 lac population from its surroundings. From Reasi to Katra it is 24 kms only but due to the worst condition of the road the vehicle takes three times more time to cover a distance of 24kms than the normal time.
So, it is requested to the concerned authorities to look into the matter and redress it accordingly.
Renu Sharma
BJP General Secretary
Mahila Wing Reasi

Repair Chhanni Himmat-Deeli-Jodhamal School road
I am really constrained to bring to the notice of the concerned authorities for the third time in last six months about the worst condition of Chhanni Himmat-Deeli-Jodhamal link road.The entire stretch of this road is full of deep pits of large dimension.The thick pile of loose sand brought by rain water during rainy season along with pebbly debris is lying near Govt High School Deeli, Radha Krishan Temple near Deeli Pond and Tata Garage. It often leads to skidding of two wheelers. Despite the two major establishments of public utility, viz Jodhamal School and Ankur Maitrika Hospital situated along this road side this road is badly neglected and very poorly maintained.l have made repeated requests to the concerned authorities but of no use. This link road has currently become accident prone and the commuters plying on this road are subjected to risk of accident.In light of the above stated facts, it is once again requested to the concerned authorities to do the needful at the earliest.
Lokinder Singh Ravi
Channi Himmat