Restore KPs Institutions

A concerted effort is being made by bureaucracy in nexus with some politicians  not to pay attention to some educational institutions owned by KPs in Srinagar. The DAVHS School at Rajbagh suffered enormous damage during the 2014 devastating floods. White Central Government sanctioned thousands of crores for flood victims for constructing and repairing shops, homes and other buildings, this institution in denied permission to renovate the damaged building of the institution. Instead of providing relief in cash or kind, pressure is mounted to close this institution.
The Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed has been made aware of the situation, but to even then no action has been taken in this matter. Such moves are a great threat to the confidence of displaced Kashmiri Pandits and Chief Minister has to recognize the wrong signal it is sending to displaced. It is not only DAV School but several other college/ school management are facing harassment and attempts to encroach/ overtake them.
I appeal the present Govt to took into the mater and take necessary steps to restore the confidence of displaced and give permission to rebuilding the institution.
Yours etc….
H.N Tickoo
Sr Adviser K.P Sabha, Jammu