Revamping DRDO

The need is increasingly felt of involving the private sector and other agencies , i.e.; academic institutions like universities, IITs, Indian Institute of Science etc for a complete revamping and reorientation of Defence Research Development Organisation . These recommendations having come from the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence with an aim to reduce dependence on foreign vendors need thorough exercise and planning. These objectives, though not possible to be achieved in the short run, however, can progressively pave way for defence related requirements being met indigenously.
Private and Public sectors needed to work together as less dependence on foreign sellers meant massive research and investments in the country. Dependence on foreign sellers has often proved full of hassles and delays and not enough procurement from our own sources has added to the problems. It shall definitely prove economically and militarily favourable if procurements were made from indigenous available sources besides the same giving a chance to home sector to develop and expand. Collaboration with foreign manufacturers by the Indian private firms would provide a level playing field in manufacturing and providing items required for our defence needs.