Save Surya Putri

Generally, most of the cities exist on the banks of a river. So is the case with Jammu city which has come up on the banks of river Tawi, also known  as Surya Putri. The river Tawi is the main source of drinking water for the people of this city. Not only the city, but also all the habitations that have sprouted all along its banks right from its origin are its beneficiaries.
But, it is disgusting to say that  neither the Government, nor the people have  cared to protect it from pollution. All the sewerage that is produced in the old city and the newly expanded city is fed into this river.
Ten years back, a Sewerage Treatment Plant was sanctioned under JNNURM scheme, but the scheme does not exist anywhere. The Solid Waste Management Scheme too is incomplete for one reason for the other.
It may also be mentioned  here that the slaughter house that was shifted to Nagrota has not been completed. The Artificial Lake too has  met the same fate.
This underlines the fact that the politician, civil society, Government, and other stakeholders have been quite apathetic to this noble cause. In case some remedial measures are not taken right now, the lifeline of Jammu city may cease to exist, so would the city.
Yours etc….
Rakesh Sharma
Greater Kailash