Say no to alcohol

Since ancient times man has discovered various means for relaxation and entertainment, as they call it. Alcohol, albeit avoidable is one among such means. Needless to say that a huge percentage of our population is addicted to alcohol. This author doesn’t intend to ask anyone to completely give up alcohol as most of us are better placed to judge  profit or loss. However, in our society, we can observe that a huge number of families are unable to come out of the vicious cycle of poverty despite Government assistance only because the bread earner of the family is alcoholic and sometimes expenditure on alcohol and its “allies” surpasses the income.
Alcohol consumption affects a family in entirety. First  of all, income is wasted on alcohol. This results in malnutrition thus affecting the very upbringing of children of family. Not only this,  academic performance of the children also suffers. In addition, there are instances of violence including domestic violence, which are attributed to alcohol. Though alcohol affects everyone irrespective of economic status but this effect is more profound in case of low-income families.
Probably, we don’t have  given due publicity  to the existing counselling provisions. Need of the hour is that everyone is counselled to give up alcohol and other drugs or at least  not consume beyond reasonable quantity. It will certainly bring countless families out of poverty cycle and save the future generations. Let’s pledge to fight this menace; let it be our new year resolution sustained for 365 days.
Yours etc….
Rajesh Thakur
Dudu, Udhampur