Seminar cum awareness camp on blood donation held

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 18: A seminar cum awareness camp for blood donation was organized by voluntary group ( KP Blood Bank) at Ashram Swami Nand Bad Sahib, Lale-Da-Bagh, near here, today.
Organizers appraised the gathering of the latest information and unknown facts relating to blood requirements to the needy people. The objective of seminar was to propagate the significance of blood donation and awareness regarding voluntarily blood donation. Hundreds of devotees and general public who attended the seminar came forward and joined the mission for this noble cause which has been initiated by KP Blood Bank.
Speaking on the occasion Ashwani Sadhu- founder KP Blood Bank said,” blood donation is a noble cause and every blood donor must contribute towards human development. “We have a philosophy of giving back to the society and this is the very genuine way of adding a little bit of us towards society,. He complimented Team Jammu for making this event happen successfully”.
The chief guest of the seminar was Swami Kumar Ji Maharaj, and others who were present included Avtar Krishan Bhat, president, Bansi Lal Koul founder member, Vikram Koul ,Trusty of Ashram Swami Nand Bab Sahib.