Shabir for developing scientific temper among students

Excelsior  Sports Correspondent

Minister for Health, Shabir Ahmad Khan, MLA Ashok Khajuria and other dignitaries during annual day celebration at Tiny Tots School, Roop Nagar in Jammu.
Minister for Health, Shabir Ahmad Khan, MLA Ashok Khajuria and other dignitaries during annual day celebration at Tiny Tots School, Roop Nagar in Jammu.

JAMMU, Feb 2: Tiny Tots Higher Secondary School today celebrated its 14thAnnual day in the school auditorium at Roop Nagar.
Minister of State for Health, Shabir Ahmad Khan was the chief guest whereas MLA Ashok Khajuria was the guest of honour.
The function was started by lighting the traditional lamp by the Minister and other dignitaries present on the occasion.
Little toddlers of the school welcomed the guests with flower petals. The programme showcased various cultural activities prepared by the students. The students won the heart of the audience by their performances which were full of energy and enthusiasm. The head girl of the school Ananya Kher spoke of her experiences at the school and how she grew from a young unsure little toddler into a confident young lady. It was followed by scintillating performance displayed by students representing Rajasthani, Dogri, Kashmiri and Punjabi folk’s lore and dances. The other items were comprising Yoga and Kickboxing. The most eye catchy performance was Modelling by the students of Secondary and Higher Secondary wings.
Speaking on the occasion, the Minister appreciated the efforts put in by the students and the management for such a beautiful show. He stressed for imparting good education to the children and said Annual day functions play a very important role in shaping and modelling their personality.
The Minister emphasised the importance of sound mind and sound body and informed the audience about the health care schemes available free to the children below 18 years. He said that this scheme has been launched in all 22 districts of the State making it the first State to do so.
The Minister called for developing scientific temper among the students from the initial years of schooling, maintaining that it was imperative for placing them in good stead in the technological era.
MLA Ashok Khajuria in his speech emphasised the importance of Urdu and Dogri for every Child. He congratulated the school management for such a well organised show.
The principal of School, Deepali Handa read out the annual report highlighting the major achievements of the school and the students during the preceding year.
Veena Handa, the chairperson of Tiny Tots Group of schools congratulated the staff and the students of the school for putting up such a stupendous performance.
A large number of parents, students, and teachers, prominent citizens besides Director Health, Jammu, Dr. B S Pathania and Member Sports Council, Vijay Gupta attended the function.