Shivani Charak secures 5th Rank in Asian Combined Youth C’ship

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 19: Shivani Charak, golden sport climber of Mountaineering Association of J&K gave another creditable performance at the international level to secure 5th rank in the Asian Combined Youth Championship held at Chongquing in China from November 13 to November 17, 2019.
In the semifinal against very tough competition from prominent Asian sport climbers, Shivani, the top ranked women climber of India, excelled in all the three forms of climbing to secure 4th, 5th and 6th rank in lead climbing, speed climbing and bouldering and secured a 5th place in the combined ranking.
Though, in the final round she improved her position to 4th rank in speed climbing but slipped to 5th rank in lead climbing and remained static at the 6th place in bouldering and eventually secured the 5th position in combined ranking.
It was an excellent performance by 18 years old Shivani Charak keeping in view the fact that the Government has neither provided any climbing infrastructure nor any climbing equipment to Mountaineering Association of J&K and Shivani has to continuously shuttle between Jammu and Delhi for practice on standard climbing walls.
Prior her participation in the Asian Combined Youth Championship at Chongquing, China Shivani had competed in the Asian Championship at Bogor in Indonesia from November 6 to November 10, 2019.
However, in that competition Shivani could not do anything significant because of lack of experience of climbing on volumes (very large sloppy holds)
It is vital to mention here that for both these competitions Shivani Charak was sponsored by Welspun Foundation for Health and Knowledge, Bombay under its Wetspun Super Sport Women Program at a cost of around Rs 3 lakh.
Meanwhile, Ram Khajuria & Shawetica Khajuria, General Secretary and Joint Secretary of Mountaineering Association of J&K have congratulated Shivani for her splendid achievement in the Asian Combined Youth Championship and wished her best for the Asian Youth Championship due to be held at Bangalore in December.