SKI Championship concludes at Pahalgam

Winners of Ski Championship posing for a group photograph at Pahalgam.
Winners of Ski Championship posing for a group photograph at Pahalgam.

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

PAHALGAM, Mar 19: The First South Kashmir Ski Championship concluded at Pahalgam today.
Around 50 athletes representing Anantnag, Pulwama, Shopian and Kulgam districts took part in this mega event.
The Championship was organized by Winter Games Association of J&K in collaboration with Jawahar Institute of Mountaineering and WS under the auspices of J&K State Sports Council.
DFO Forests, Lidder range, Dr Mehraj-ud-Din was the chief guest on the concluding function.
The first three position winners were awarded with medals, while all other participants were given participation certificates.
The competitions were held in four categories.
In Senior (Men) category, Sarjan Ahmad Wani of Anantnag, Khursheed Ahmad Wani of Anantnag and Javaid Ahmad Wani of Shopian District got first three positions respectively.
In Senior (Women) category, there was only one participant Shazia who was awarded consolation prize.
In Junior category, Rayees Ahmad Shah, Rouf Ahmad Sheikh and Yawar Ahmad Ganai got first three positions respectively, while in Sub-Junior category, Faizan Nabi Thokur of Pulwama got gold medal, Ubaid Ahmad Wani claimed silver and Afaan Hussain Malik won bronze. All these medallists have qualified for forthcoming State Championship to be held at Gulmarg on March 21, 2019.
In his address, President WGAJK Abass Wani expressed his gratitude to JIM&WS for providing support and assistance.
He also thanked Forest Department, Lidder Division, Cable Car Corporation, District Anantnag WGA, Ski Teachers Assoc-iation of Gulmarg for extending their support to make the endeavour a grand success.
General Secre-tary WGAJK, Muhammad Yusuf said that it was our cherished desire to introduce Ski Championships in neglected southern districts of Kashmir.
Notably the Association held Ladakh Divisional Ski Championship at Drass yesterday which was supported by Drass Brigade, Tourism Department and the Department of Youth Services and Sports.
The Championship was held in senior and junior categories.
In senior category, Sajad Hussain, Asgar Ali and Mohd Ilyas got first three positions respectively, while in junior category Wajahat Mir, Mohd Mehdi and Asif Ali got first three positions respectively.
The medals and certificates were distributed by the chief guest Deputy Commandant, 56 Mtn Bdr.