SKIMS cautions against fake appointment order

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, May 28: The SKIMS Soura today cautioned against a fake appointment order in circulation showing the appointment of several persons on various posts at the hospital.
In a public notice issued here, SKIMS said that it has come to the notice of this Department that some fake appointment orders are currently under circulation, where-under several persons have been shown to have been appointed Technicians in SKIMS, “whereas no such orders or related correspondence have been issued by this Department.”
SKIMS said that it is made clear that the hospital has not issued any such appointment orders “and some unscrupulous elements are operating thereby trying to mislead the candidates by issuing such fabricated orders of appointment against various posts at SKIMS which shall not be treated as authentic.”
The notice issued here said that the preparation and circulation of such fake orders and any correspondence related thereto is a criminal act and attracts strict legal action against such mischievous persons involved in this heinous act.
“Through the medium of this notice, the general public is hereby cautioned against the activities of these fraudulent persons and advised not to fall prey to the designs of touts and unscrupulous elements.”