SKUAST-J Agrometeorology Section sensitizes farmers about future climate change effect

Director Research of SKUAST-J distributing quality seeds among farmers during awarness programme in Kathua on Wednesday.
Director Research of SKUAST-J distributing quality seeds among farmers during awarness programme in Kathua on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

KATHUA, Oct 23: To sensitize the farmers about future climate change effect, Agrometeorology Section of SKUAST Jammu organized one day awareness camp at village Panjgrain, Block Hiranagar, in district Kathua.
In the programme, which was organized under the patronage of SKUAST-Jammu Vice-Chancellor, Dr K S Risam and under SC-SP Programme of NICRA-AICRPAM, Dr Jag Paul Sharma, Director Research, SKUAST-J was the chief guest. Principal Investigators of three NICRA projects of SKUAST-J along with Agriculture Extension Assistants Darshan Sharma, Sanjeev Singh, Jyoti Sandotra and Arun Gupta from the State Agriculture Department also participated. More than 220 farmers , both male and female, participated in the programme.
In the beginning, Dr Mahender Singh, PI NICRA AICRPAM, discussed in detail about the importance of organizing this awareness programme. He gave detailed information on importance of timely agricultural operations based on the weather forecast.
Dr Jag Paul Sharma, Director Research, encouraged the farmers for timely sowing of rabi crops in the area and stressed them to take maximum benefits from the forecast services under NICRA Project which will ultimately enhance the income of poor and marginal farmers of the area. He highlighted the importance of such type of programmes and also distributed the seed of vegetables and wheat to about 200 SC farmers.
Dr Amrish Vaid, Nodal Officer, Mega Seed Project, stressed upon the farmers to use and attain quality seeds of various crops from the reliable sources. Dr A P Singh explained farmers to maximize their crop production by applying scientific and technological intervention. Dr Vishal Mahajan, Programme Coordinator & Incharge KVK, Kathua, explained the importance of diversification through plantation of various agroforestry plants, in addition to their traditional farming. Dr Vikas Gupta, Jr Scientist ACRA, Rakh Dhiansar, highlighted the importance of agronomic practices of various rabi crops in the area. Dr Reena made the farmers aware about various insect-pest infestations in the rabi crop.
Dr Veena Sharma, Technical officer, AMFU, Chatha, informed that more than 7500 farmers have been linked with weather based SMS service that helps them in performing agricultural operations. Dr Charu Sharma presented the vote of thanks and motivated the farmers to take maximum advantage from this awareness programme as well as the services provided by SKUAST – Jammu.