SMS POWERGRID pays visit to Balgran

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 18: Srishti Mahila Samiti, a forum for lady employees and female members of employees of Regional Headquarters of POWERGRID, Northern Region Transmission System-2 visited Balgran- A home for destitute children at Channi Rama, here today.
The members of the Samiti along with Chief Patron SMS, Radha Rajput, President, Supreet Luthra and General Secretary, Shitanshu Sharma sponsored lunch and distributed school bags and hygiene kits among the children.
The other executive members of the Samiti namely Kalpana, Poonam, Supriya, Sangeeta and Ruby were also present in the event who interacted with the children and involved them in various fun activities.
Srishti Mahila Samiti encourages many social activities like vocational training and education for ladies and children along with programs and aid to physically challenged children of employees and the Community in general, and involved in imparting skill development works, viz. tailoring, embroidery, knitting, cooking, dance, interior decoration, music classes and other fine arts.