SRS demands statehood to restore pristine Dogra dignity

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 11: Shri Ram Sena has strongly criticized the arbitrary decision of Centre Government to bifurcate and downgrade the State of J&K into UT while totally abrogating the special status enjoyed by the Dogra State since Maharaja rule and demanded to restore full statehood to the State.
“Jammu region has always extended full support to each and every decision of Union Government for honour and integrity of nation but reducing J&K State into Union Territory is not at all acceptable to us as it is direct attack on our Dogra legacy which can’t be compromised at any cost,” said Rajiv Mahajan, State president, Shri Ram Sena, in a statement issued here in Jammu.
Rajiv Mahajan said that like it honoured aspirations of people of Ladakh by making it Union Territory, Union Government should also honour sentiments of Jammu Dogras to restore full statehood to J&K State without any further delay.
He said that Dogras of the State have a history of extending boundaries up to Afghanistan and China which are being shrunk and its identity has been reduced to a Union Territory. He said that we Jammuites always remained pro-India and our soldiers fought bravely for the unity of the State and sovereignty of the Country also.
Mahajan appealed all the citizens of the region to get themselves aware of the ramification of newly created Union Territory. Our rulers with bended arms and sacrifices created this only Dogra State which now totally lost its existence, he maintained. Mahajan appealed to Centre Government to immediately review its decision and restore our identity as a State.
The SRS president also demanded immediate release of all the Jammu Dogra political leaders to enable them meet public and share public concerns on the prevailing political situation in Jammu post abrogation of Article 370 and restore mobile internet in Jammu municipality area.