State Govt should encourage cooperative societies: Pummy

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 24: BJP Co-operative Cell State Convenor S. Harbahajan Singh Pummy, who returned after attending one-day National Working Committee meet at Delhi, said that the Union Government has initiated some more effective measures to rejuvenate and promote cooperative sector but the State Government can take further lead as it falls in State list.
S. Harbhajan Singh Pummy was invited to present view point and working of his organization before a galaxy of national leaders, including Union Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh, Union Textile & Water Resources Minister, Santosh Gangwar, Union MoS Agriculture, Sanjeev Balyaan and national functionaries of cooperative cell besides BJP National office bearers.
This day long National Working Committee Meet had a number of sessions, where in important matters related to ways and means to popularize cooperative at different levels, mobilize mass participation of people and take it as a movement, were discussed.
Union Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh, who was also the chief guest on the occasion, said that State governments should encourage poultry farming, animal husbandry etc. as these can generate employment avenues besides making rise in the production. He said that ‘Amul’ has proved to be one of the major achievements under Cooperative society as its annual turnover has reached Rs. 33,000 crores.