Taj reviews functioning of DYSS

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

Minister for Sports, Taj Mohi-ud-Din reviewing functioning of DYSS on Wednesday.

SRINAGAR, Sept 11: Minister for Medical Education, Youth Services & Sports, Taj Mohi-ud-Din today reviewed the functioning of Department of Youth Services and Sports (DYSS). He also reviewed the steps taken recently to strengthen sports infrastructure in the State.
Addressing the meeting, the Minister impressed upon the officers to further augment and strengthen sports infrastructure in the State in view of the growing demand from youth. He said the infrastructure has been raised decades ago and, therefore, falls short of the requirements of present times.
Mr. Taj said the Central Government has approved a special package of Rs. 1000 cr to strengthen sports infrastructure in the State. Under this package, he said, a sports complex comprising both indoor and outdoor facilities would be constructed in every block of the State. Besides, he said, a sports field would be constructed in every panchayat.
The Minister said already work has started on some ambitious projects in the State. He said astro turf grounds are being readied at TRC Srinagar and Azad Gunj Baramulla whileas the foundations of Rs. 18 crore sports complex and a Football academy have already been laid. He said every district would have sports academy where young boys and girls would be imparted coaching by reputed experts. Similarly work on indoor stadium Jammu, renovation of M. A. Stadium, Jammu and other augmentations are in full swing, he said.
Mr. Taj said youth in the Valley do not have much time to indulge in recreational activities as the region remains in the grip of severe cold for major part of the year. Thus, he said, need of indoor stadia was felt very much.
The Minister directed the Department to conduct more and more youth interactions and sports meets so that young boys and girls of the State are able to showcase their talent.
Director General, Youth Services & Sports, Navin Aggarwal, Secretary, Depar-tment of Youth Services & Sports, Parvez Malik besides other officers attended the meeting.