Teenagers and driving

One of the main reasons of traffic chaos in the Jammu city is the presence of two-wheelers on the roads. The two-wheeler  is usually found with two pillion riders speeding in a zig zag manner,  overtaking from the left and speeding as well on congested Jammu roads.Among the violators are  young boys and girls, most of them having no valid driving licences.
We see everyday two wheeler getting injured or even killed in road accidents chiefly because of over  speeding , wrong side overtaking or not possessing driving licenses.
Can Jammu Traffic Police keep vigil on those roads less or not frequented by the VVIPs but by the general public where these boys and girls violate traffic rules topping which are no licences to drive, doubling and trebling pillion riding, over speeding, overtaking from the wrong side and haphazard parking.
Yours etc….
Sumit Sharma, Jammu