Training program on solid waste management

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Jan 1: A three day training program on implementation of Municipal Solid Waste Management and Handling Rules, 2000 began at Central Municipal Office here at Karan Nagar.
In a statement, media relations officer of Srinagar Municipal Corporation, Masrat Yusuf said the training program has been organized for the benefit of the municipal staff so that they can segregate biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste material. The training was imparted by Chief Sanitation Officer SMC, Manzoor Ahmed Turray.
The session was attended by all the ward officers, sanitary inspectors and the sanitary supervisors of SMC. Turray said that SMC has already identified ten thousand households in ten administrative wards for source segregation at house hold level. He delivered a Power Point presentation formulating a strategy and educating the participants how to approach to the eco wise waste management and plan for primary collection of waste material.