Lawyers employed by the Government under different nomenclature like AGs, AAGs, Dy AGs and Government advocates are supposed to plead the cases filed by the Government before the judiciary. They are required to present themselves in the court of law whenever a case with Government involvement is taken up by the judicial authority. In technical words they are supposed to submit their appearance certificate on daily basis. However, there are reports from the judges of different ranks that Government lawyers usually fail to submit their appearance reports regularly, which means that they do not present themselves in the courts to plead the cases on behalf of the Government. This is dereliction of duty and as such the Law Department has taken very serious notice of the lapse. It has mentioned in clear words that the department might take recourse to invoking the laws that prohibit the lawyers
Apart from absenting themselves when there is the hearing date for their cases, some of the said lawyers are in the habit of seeking adjournment of their cases from the Court. This is a dilly-dallying practice into which the state prosecutors indulge with some ulterior motives known to them alone. Adjournment of the cases is a bad precedent yet strangely our Government lawyers have seldom any qualm of conscience in asking for the adjournment. We hope that with the warning from the Superior Court it should be possible for the State lawyers of all categories to abide by the rule and not create difficulties for the Government in bringing the prosecution of the cases to their logical conclusion.