Unemployed dental surgeons continue dharna, chain hunger strike

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 5: Unemployed female dental surgeons under the banner of Dental Surgeons Association (DSA) continued their chain hunger strike for 24th consecutive day, whereas the dharna by the association entered 36th day today.
The unemployed dental surgeons assembled at Ambphalla Chowk and raised slogans against the Government for not redressing their demands including complete absorption of unemployed dental youth, recruitment of dental surgeons on yearly basis and establishment of separate Directorate for Dental Health in the State.
Continuing the chain hunger strike, Dr Sakshi Sharma was sitting on fast to carry forward the movement of the association.
While speaking, Chairman of the association Dr Pawan Singh Jasrotia condemned the illogical statement of the Health Minister regarding financial implications if the dental professionals are given job opportunities in Government sector.
“Why the Government is running dental colleges if they do not require dental surgeons”, he questioned.
As per Health Minister’s statement, Rs 15 lakh and 3 trained technicians are required to engage single dental surgeon, he said and asked the Health Minister to mention any health centre in the State or outside, where three dental technicians are engaged to assist one dental surgeon and an expenditure of Rs 15 lakh is spent to establish a dental unit.
Dr Jasrotia said that the unemployed dental surgeons are ready to establish the dental setup of their own if they are given employment opportunities, which will not cause any financial implication on Government exchequer.
He also said that their agitation will not be called off till their demands are fulfilled by the Government.
Meanwhile, Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) has also extended support to the agitation of the unemployed dental surgeons. In a statement, president of the association Dr Nisar-ul-Hassan urged the Government to shun its stubbornness and redress the grievances of the unemployed dental surgeons.