Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Hospital at Bari Brahmana needs an up-gradation of facility from the present 50 beds to 100, the demand for which has been raised by Bari Brahmana Industries Association (BBIA). The demand appears not only genuine but feasible too looking to the number of insured persons under the ESI Scheme being 70000 whereas the hospital facilities are available only for 50000 insured persons. The number, we have learnt, was likely to still increase in the very near future.
Besides, host of problems needed to be resolved in that the administration of ESI Hospital was reeling under shortage of Doctors, Specialists, adequate indoor and outdoor healthcare facilities etc which resulted in the registered persons facing lot of difficulties as most of them being referred to other medical centres from here for treatment which involved extra money, time and botheration to the needy persons. Under these circumstances, it was absolutely necessary to upgrade the existing facilities available currently at the said hospital.