Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 5: In a significant innovation the Model Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET) has become one of the first few institutions in India to deploy a hi-tech software analytics framework for better institutional management.
The software, ‘Performance Insight 360’ was inaugurated formally by Prof. R.D Sharma, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu in an impressive function at the MIET campus. The analytics framework relies on deep statistical analysis and visualization techniques to uncover insights into institutional outcomes and performance. Data and Business Analytics is an emerging branch of IT which is widely prevalent in the industry while this is the first instance of the application of this domain to academia in India.
Prof R D Sharma also inaugurated the MIET Mobile Application for both iOS and Android platforms which has been developed in-house at the Center for Mobile Application Development at MIET. The MIET Mobile Application provides students up to date information on all aspects of the institute’s functioning including access to social media handles for MIET, Learning Management System and Performance Insight 360.
Dr. Arun K. Gupta formally welcomed Prof. R.D Sharma and described him as an outstanding academician, renowned researcher and an illustrious son-of-the-soil.
Principal, MIET Prof. S.K Sharma presented a brief overview of the institutional achievements in the past year and laid out the road map for future initiatives in 2015.
Dr Ankur Gupta, Joint Director, MIET presented a detailed demo of the software and mobile application highlighting the innovative features, while Dr Renu Gupta, Director, MIER Group and Jai Kumar, Principal, Private Secretary to the VC were also present on the occasion.
In his address, Prof. R.D Sharma, Vice Chancellor appreciated the significant innovations showcased by MIET and highlighted the need for adoption of modern IT tools for efficient and effective institutional management.
MIET has been an IT leader among private educational institutions in the region filing 10 patents, incubating 2 IT products and 3 mobile applications till date. It has already implemented the campus ERP and Learning Management Systems for the benefit of all stakeholders.