VHP resolutions for abrogation of 370, 35A; settlement of KPs in Valley, delimitation

VHP national general secretary Dr Surinder Jain at a press conference in Jammu on Saturday.
VHP national general secretary Dr Surinder Jain at a press conference in Jammu on Saturday.

‘Preserve ancient shrines, open Sharda to Hindu pilgrims’
Avtar Bhat
JAMMU, June 29: The demand for abrogation of controversial Articles 370 and 35 A of Indian Constitution giving special status to Jammu and Kashmir State is gaining momentum with Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) demanding their immediate abrogation.
As the four -day long VHP conclave is underway here since yesterday, the organization in its Central Margdarshak Mandal (CMM) meeting passed a resolution to this effect today.
Disclosing this to media persons later along with VHP State president, Leela Karan Sharma, its national general secretary, Dr Surinder Jain said that a resolution was passed in this context in the VHP’s Central Margdarshak Mandal meeting this morning.
He said abrogation of the controversial Articles and rehabilitation of Kashmiri Hindus in the Valley ensuring their security has become imperative and VHP through its resolutions has made a forceful demand for the same.
He said through the resolution Union Government was also urged to implement the common population policy in the country and ensure delimitation of the Assembly constituencies of the State as in previous delimitation a grave injustice was done to the Jammu and Ladakh regions by then Kashmir centric State Governments and this discrimination should be done away with once and for all.
He said it is unfortunate that in Kashmir valley, an Assembly segment has 70,000 voters while in Jammu, the Assembly segment was based on 83,000 voters and if the each Assembly segment of Jammu also comprised of 70,000 voters, the region will get 43 Assembly segments.
Dr Jain said through this resolution, the Government was also urged to remove obstacles in construction of Ram temple at Ayodhya.
The VHP leader said that his organization is confident that the newly elected Central Government will take urgent steps in this direction. He assured that the people of the country will render full cooperation to the Government in this regard.
Dr Jain, who termed the mass exodus of Pandits a conspiracy hatched over three decades back at behest of Pakistan and secessionist elements in the State, said the exodus of Pandits is a genocide of the community and VHP demands their rehabilitation in Kashmir valley with preservation of the Hindu religious places and restoration of their encroached land.
The VHP leader said that Jammu & Kashmir will turn paradise once again after the religious places of Hindus are developed fully and promoted for pilgrims from across the country. He said J&K was paradise on earth because of its famous religious places like Shri Amarnath Ji, Mata Vaishno Devi, Mata Kheer Bhawani etc and all efforts be made for their development and promotion for pilgrimage.
He said Maragdarshak Mandal also passed resolutions to this effect and demanded opening of world famous Sharda Shrine to Hindu pilgrims of the country. He said Union Government was urged to take up the issue with Pakistani Government immediately besides initiating steps for construction of Sharda Corridor.
The VHP leader further demanded opening of Ladakh route for Kailash Mansarovar yatra which is the traditional and shortest route to this Hindu religious pilgrimage and abode of Lord Shiva. He said through resolution an appeal was made to Union Government to take up the issue with Chinese Government.
Dr Jain said through the same resolution the Government was urged to open the shortest and easiest route to Shri Amarnath Ji via Kargil and also install Cable Car Project to the holy cave. He said Cable Car Corporation of J&K is already running the Cable Car on equal height in Gulmarag and it can easily run the another project at holy cave of Shri Amarnath Ji for facility of pilgrims. Such a project can also be eco friendly, he added.
Showing grave concern over imbalance of population in Jammu region, he said that settlement of Rohingyas and Bangladeshis in this region is cause of concern. Over 10, 000 Rohingyas have been settled in Jammu and they should be deported immediately. Moreover, the Government and forest land encroached by such people under a conspiracy to imbalance the population of the region be also vacated immediately, he added.
He said the Government of India should take steps in setting up companies and industries in Jammu region to check the brain drain as youth of the region are migrating to other States in search of job and higher education as there were no higher institutes of education in this region, he added.
Dr Jain said VHP has decided to celebrate the 550th birth day of Guru Nanak Ji throughout the country this year who has given the message of peace and brotherhood.