Vijay Club drubs Sainik Colony by solitary goal

Excelsior Sports Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 21: Vijay Club registered a narrow win by a solitary goal over Sainik Colony Football Club in the ongoing Senior Division Football League Tournament, being organized by the Jammu and Kashmir Football Association (JKFA) at GGM Science College Football Grounds, here.
Earlier, after a goalless first half as both the teams defended the rival attack superbly, Tanpreet Singh from Vijay Club pelted a splendid goal in 68th minute of the match in the dying moments of the 70-minute match.
The other match scheduled for the day between Jammu United and Young Rovers ended in a goalless drawn as both the teams failed to score in the stipulated time. Though, both the teams made some good moves in both halves of the game, yet none of the teams succeeded in scoring any goal. Finally, the match ended in a goalless draw.
The matches were officiated by Saudhagar Mattoo, Kamal Kumar, Harmanjeet Singh and Sanjay as referees, while the tournament is being organized by Surinder Singh Bunty, Resident Secretary of Jammu Wing of JKFA and organizing secretary of the tournament.