YAIKS holds demonstration in front of Raj Bhawan

Activists of Youth All India Kashmiri Samaj protesting in front of Raj Bhawan at Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
Activists of Youth All India Kashmiri Samaj protesting in front of Raj Bhawan at Jammu on Tuesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 25: Youth All India Kashmiri Samaj (YAIKS) led by its president, R K Bhat who is spearheading the struggle of KP youth staged a demonstration in front of Raj Bhawan here today against the failure of successive Governments to rehabilitate the displaced community who are leading an exiled life for last 28 years.
Besides, the KP youth the leaders of different Pandit organizations showing solidarity with YAIKS and cause of the community participated in the demonstration.
Addressing the demonstrators, R K Bhat accused the Government of its total failure in ensuring safety, security and rehabilitation of some 2000 displaced employees appointed under PM package in Valley. He said under these circumstances the claims of the Government regarding the return and rehabilitation of 65,000 displaced Pandit families seems a total mockery.
Bhat said instead of giving healing touch to the PM package employees they are being harassed by the administration by issuing show cause notices, delaying the disbursement of salaries and deducting HRA etc. He said it is the total responsibility of the Government to provide accommodation to these employees.
He demanded that Valley posted migrant employees and those who intend to join under the PM’s employment scheme be treated at par with other Kashmiri migrant employees till the normalcy is restored and vision document of YAIKS for the welfare of employees is implemented in letter and spirit.
Questioning the State Government Bhat said that they failed to take a proper initiative after the mass exodus for the return of the displaced Pandits as no funds from the State resources are utilized for their welfare. He wanted to know are not the Pandits the stake holders or citizens of this State.
He asked the State Government to issue a white paper on the expenses made by it on the welfare of displaced Pandits during last 28 years.
He said the PM’s employment package announced for return and rehabilitation of displaced Pandits has turned a complete failure due to the callousness of successive Governments as it could not even rehabilitate 2000 employees.
He said five percent of the total package of Rs 2000 crore has not been spent for the welfare of the displaced people.
Later, they submitted a copy of Vision document to Governor. BK Bhat and Sunil Koul vice presidents YAIKS, Sanjay Ganjoo and Ajay Safaya, secretaries, D N Bhat , Shiban  Krishan  and others addressed the demonstrators.