10 bovine animals rescued

Excelsior Correspondent
UDHAMPUR, Jan 1: Udhampur Police today foiled an attempt of bovine smuggling and rescued 10 animals at Jakheni, Udhampur.
Acting on some reliable information, a Police party of Police Station Udhampur, led by SHO Sanjeev Chib, under the supervison of Dy SP Headquarters, Zahid Saif Wani, laid a surprise naka near Jakhani and intercepted one truck bearing Registration No. JK02AS-8825.
During the checking, 10 bovine animals were found loaded in the vehicle, which was on way to Kashmir without permission. All the bovine animals were rescued and the accused driver namely Arshad Ali, son of Talib Hussain of Ragurah, district Jammu, was arrested on the spot.
Police also seized the vehicle and registered a case FIR No.01 /2019 U/S 188, RPC, 3 PCA Act in this connection at Police Station Udhampur.