110 middle schools upgraded to high school level in 2014-15

JAMMU :  Over 100 middle schools have been upgraded to high school level under the Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyan (RMSA) in the year 2014-15, Jammu and Kashmir government said today.
110 schools have been upgraded from middle schools to high school level under RMSA, Minister for Education Naeem Akhtar said in a written reply to the question of NC member Qaiser Jamsheed Lone in Legislative Council today.
He said that 800 schools (468 middle schools and 332 high schools) have been upgraded under state plan. However, this is without the approval of the Planning and Finance Departments, he added.
The Chief Education Officers (CEOs) have been directed to furnish feasibility reports in respect of schools that are likely to meet the norms of upgradation, he said.
A decision with regard to recommendation for their upgradation under RMSA shall be taken based on the feasibility report with reference to the norms, he said, adding upgradation would take place in accordance to the guidelines and approval from Ministry of Human Resource Development. (AGENCIES)