Tuesday  28-05-2013
Aries : Ganesha predicts that there may be some disappointments today. The reason could well be your own carelessness. Ganesha advises you to draw some motivation from your superiors sometimes. It will only be for your own good.
Taurus : This day will be filled with a lot of emotional intensity. So says Ganesha. Most of the day you will be driven by your feelings and sentiments and remain absorbed in family issues concerns. You will, nevertheless, not lose out on your professional and business affairs. Others will understand your preoccupation with home affairs and will remain helpful and appreciative.
Gemini : An auspicious and progressive day awaits you. You will reflect on the problems at the work-place as well as on the home-front. You will try to understand the emotions that lie behind the troubles brewing at home and will try to resolve them. It is a good day to start new ventures in partnership with someone, says Ganesha.
Cancer : You will tour a world of fantasy and accomplish beautiful creations in literary and artistic arena. Religious acts or visit to religious spots is likely. You will feel closeness to God. Spiritualism will impact your mind. Ganesha sees it as a fruitful and profitable day.
Leo : You will have to fulfill all your responsibilities carefully, and will be duely rewarded for your troubles. Begin all auspicious work and new projects in the afternoon. Your generosity and capability will keep you at peace today, says Ganesha.
Virgo : Good luck will put you up against some friendly ghosts from some bygone era. The afternoon brings with it some wonderful marriage prospects and you will consider them with an open mind. However, Ganesha warns you to be extra careful when making decisions regarding advanced education.
Libra : Ganesha says those of you in the field of art will find immense success. You will be able to please your beloved with your presence and also shower them with gifts. You may buy something expensive as a gift today. You will also focus on a long-term goal today. Ganesha showers you with his blessings always.
Scorpio : Everything is fair in love and war, however, make sure your love story does not turn into a cold-war. It may happen that romance may make you altogether a different person. By the end of the day, you may solve the differences that lead to a cold-war between you and your beloved, says Ganesha.
Sagittarius : Blood will be thicker than water today. And your relatives ñ near and distant ñ will bring much pleasure today. But Ganesha portends you being at loggerheads with your colleagues. However, progress will not elude you today.
Capricorn : You have always believed in living in the present, but today you’ll think and plan about the future. The uncertainties of life make you understand the importance of saving for the future contingencies. You will forgive and forget about the pain some of your relationships and loved ones have given you earlier. Sometimes you may feel that others are taking you for a ride, but you’ll turn a blind eye to that after a while, as you know patience is your strength.
Aquarius : Not everyday is the same day, and today will be one of those unfavourable days, feels Ganesha. Don’t get disheartened if things don’t turn out as per your expectations, as times will change. Be optimistic and enjoy life to deal with difficult times. Also, don’t enter into war of words with anybody at work or home; it may harm your important relationships.
Pisces : You will be filled with extreme energy and enthusiasts in the earlier half of the day. However you will feel sluggish and drained out in the afternoon. The likely reason for this will be the over-enthusiasm you show towards your work in the morning. However, you will still be able to complete all your tasks satisfactorily, says Ganesha.