12 bridges awaiting administrative approval for last one year

Suhail Bhat

SRINAGAR, Jan 6: In absence of much needed administrative approval, the construction work of 12 bridges, executed by the Jammu and Kashmir Projects Construction, across Kashmir has been stalled for last one year, causing problems in commuting for thousands of people relying on the facilities.
The bridges are coming up at different places of the Valley which lack proper connectivity. However, the construction work on these vital connecting links continue to drag on even after the passage of over a decade, despite the availability of funds. The lax attitude shown by the authorities towards the projects has dashed the hopes of thousands of people who are facing problems in commuting on daily basis.
Right from the beginning the projects received erratic funding that affected the pace of work throughout. But the projects received the worst jolt when JKPCC suspended all the work citing non-payment of funds a year back.
To overcome the issue of funding the Government listed the bridges as languishing and approved the funds. Even after the funds were made available, the projects got stuck into technicalities and failed to pick up. The bridges have a project cost of over Rs 10 Crores and therefore, as per the directive, requires an administrative approval.
Subsequently, on 29th October 2018, the Chief Engineer Roads and Buildings Department addressed a letter to the Government under number CE/RBK/ HD/ 1985-94 requesting for the accord of administrative approval of various languishing projects whose project cost is above Rs10 crore.
“Nothing has happened so far. The files are pending there for over a year,” an official said. Recently, JKPCC officials, once again raised the issue with the concerned Chief Engineer who asked for additional paper work, “that has been done, but problem remained unresolved.”
The worst part is that JKPCC is unable to upload the bills online despite the availability of funds. “The money has been approved for the languishing projects. The bill cannot be uploaded without administrative approval,” he said.
Chief Engineer Roads and Buildings Department, Sami Arif, who is aware about the developments, told Excelsior they have forwarded the necessary documents to the administrative department. “Process is underway. I am yet to receive the approval. I am expecting it soon,” he said.
Out of the 12 bridges, five are in north Kashmir (Jetty bridge, Dubgav bridge and Chowkibal, Aloosa bridge, Mahrajpora), four in South Kashmir (Dogripora, Ashmuji, Turkwangam and Nambal) and rest of the bridges(Palpora, Wethrpora and Shalteng) are in Srinagar.
Inordinate delay in according the administrative approval is taking a toll on the people who would have been benefitted with the facilities. Some people complained that they have to take long detours to reach their destinations in absence of bridges. “We have to either travel to Awantipora which wastes our time,”Mohammad Lateef, a resident of Dogripora said, adding for last one decade people were awaiting completion of the bridge.
At some places people said that they have to board overcrowded fishing boats to cross the river. “We have to risk our lives to reach the other side of the river. When will Government understand our problems and complete the bridge?” Sartaj Ahmad, a resident of Baramulla asked.