165 bovines rescued, 10 smugglers nabbed

Excelsior Correspondent

RAMBAN, June 13: District Police Ramban foiled 10 bovine smuggling attempts, arrested as many bovine smugglers and rescued 165 bovines.
“Nine bovine animals were rescued by a team of Police Station Batote while performing vehicle checking duty while a team of Police Station Chanderkote rescued 77 bovines by intercepting four vehicles and arrested four smugglers,” a Police spokesman said.
He said SHO Ramban also intercepted four vehicles and held four persons. During checking, 74 bovines were found laden inside the four vehicles which were tied in a cruel manner and were being transported illegally.
“In another instance, a team of Police Station Banihal while performing vehicle checking duty intercepted a vehicle and held one person. During checking, 5 bovines were found laden inside the vehicle and they were rescued,” he added.
The spokesman said that cases vide FIR Number 91/2024, FIR Number 91/92/93 and 94/2024, FIR Number 141/ 142/145/146/2024 and FIR Number 101 of 2024 were registered in this connection at Police Stations Batote, Chanderkote, Ramban and Banihal, respectively under relevant sections of law.