Daily Horoscope

Aries : Today, you are not in your usual gregarious mood. An unpleasant situation may also prove to be a challenge. Even though you’re enterprising, Ganesha suggests that you don’t go tripping all over yourself. A little devotion to God can make a big difference to your life.

Taurus : It is very likely that you will stay physically alert and spiritually awake today, forecasts Ganesha. You will discover an artistic temperament as you engage in performing arts, designing, graphics and special effects. You will also appear extremely tempting to the opposite gender.

Gemini : You are likely to have a great time with like-minded people, says Ganesha. At work, achieving perfection will be your motto. You will strive for perfection at work and home. You will remain practical and pragmatic throughout the day.

Cancer : It is highly probable that you will be highly pious and dutiful today, foretells Ganesha. You will spend sparingly in the afternoon. You will stay in excellent health condition. Romantic dinner with sweetheart is likely, hopes Ganesha.

Leo : It is fine to make hay while the sun shines, but do not forget to put aside some for a rainy day as well, says Ganesha. Today is one such day when you can do fantastically well by putting aside some money for your family’s future. At work, pending tasks may have piled up, but today you shall do well to try and clear the backlog. Everything said, do not forget to take a break from the routine, says Ganesha. Evening promises to be passionate!

Virgo : Your position of strength will be shaken badly today. All chances are, this may invite unwanted troubles and furrow deeper lines of worry. But you may yet do good if you shift out of the usual and foray into something new.

Libra : To be or not to be? Well, that may not be your precise state of mind, but Ganesha does see possibilities of you being puzzled and perplexed today when it comes to professional issues. Chances are that in the afternoon, you may happen to run into an unpleasant situation, so just keep your cool. In any case, things shall get better by the evening. The latter part of the day is favourable, so go ahead and express you long-cherished love for that special someone, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : You shall be a live wire today – full of energy and zest. Freelancers will take imagination to new levels when working. At work, your inspiration will kick-start an epidemic of vigour and high-performance. Surprises in the evening will end the day on a high note, says Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Today you shall remain deep in thought. You may have plans to change the look of your home and a romantic evening with your sweetheart is on the cards, says Ganesha. Fine gourmet and a nice ambience will arouse those senses more, informs Ganesha.

Capricorn : You don’t shy away from working hard and today, at your work you will do everything to improve upon your performance. But, perfection seems distant no matter how hard you try, says Ganesha. Your mind is making creative plans, but you are unable to put them on paper and get them executed. You will not get off the track by a minor bump on the track. With the same positive approach like before, you will march ahead for success.

Aquarius : Put your best dress on, get a smart hairdo, and polish your shoes – you have to make your presence felt! Don’t depend too much on the outer appearance though. You will need to apply your mind and make some vital decisions because they will have a permanent impact on your life, advises Ganesha.

Pisces : You will harbour feelings of attraction towards those of the opposite sex, and are also likely to benefit from them. You will find lady luck favouring you. Post afternoon should see you struggling with a tough decision. Overall, the day ought to be routine, with nothing exceptional lurking to surprise you, says Ganesha.