18 die, 2157 test +ve in Kashmir

Fayaz Bukhari

Srinagar, May 22: Kashmir today reported 18 COVID-19 deaths and 2157 people tested positive for the virus taking the Jammu and Kashmir death toll to 3513.
In Kashmir 18 persons died of COVID today including one at SKIMS Soura, two in SMHS Srinagar, one in CHC Kupwara, four in GMC Anantnag, one in SKIMS JVC Bemina, two in GMC Baramulla, one in CD Hospital Srinagar, three in DH Pulwama, one in TH Bijbehara, one in JLNM hospital Srinagar and one in CCC Pethkoot.
Those who tested positive include 509 from Srinagar, 237 Baramulla, 273 Budgam, 175 Pulwama, 202 Kupwara, 224 Anantnag, 112 Bandipora, 132 Ganderbal, 241 Kulgam and 52 from Shopian.
As per officials figures, 61,647 positive cases including 725 deaths and 54,351 recoveries are from Srinagar, 19,613 including 236 deaths and 16,561 recoveries are from Baramulla, 18,273 including 13,650 recoveries and 162 deaths are from Budgam, 11,771 including 9,292 recoveries and 152 deaths are from Pulwama, 10,418 including 133 deaths and 8,453 recoveries are from Kupwara, 13,024 including 8,235 recoveries and 148 deaths are from Anantnag, 7,769 cases including 6,497 and 83 deaths are from Bandipora, 7,658 including 6,479 recoveries and 65 deaths are from Ganderbal, 8,831 including 5,836 recoveries and 89 deaths are from Kulgam and 4,906 including 3,775 recoveries and 51 deaths are from Shopian.
The number of cases in Kashmir division has reached 163,910 including 133,129 recoveries and 1,844 deaths.
The number of active cases in Jammu and Kashmir are 49,136 including 28,937 from Kashmir division.
With 4,117 more recoveries, the tally of total recoveries in Jammu and Kashmir has reached 214,664 which is 80.30 percent of the total cases.
In order to prevent the Coronavirus from spreading, the Corona curfew imposed by the Government continued to remain in place today across Kashmir while police arrested 214 persons and also realized fine to the tune of 1,45,360 for norm violation in the Valley.
Police and paramilitary forces were deployed in large numbers to enforce the lockdown restrictions in Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir. The barricades and concertina wires were erected at many places to prevent the public movement.
Shops and business establishments barring emergency services remained closed throughout the day in Srinagar and other districts of Jammu and Kashmir.
Police arrested 214 persons, lodged 102 FIRs and also realized the fine to the tune of Rs 1,45,360 from 941 people for violating the guidelines and rules throughout Kashmir.
“Besides, a vehicle was seized and two shopkeepers were also booked by police in Budgam for violating COVID-19 norms,” police said, adding that the special drive against the violators of COVID-19 guidelines and rules continued throughout all the districts of Kashmir valley to ensure that people adhere to SOPs and guidelines envisaged by Government to curb COVID-19 pandemic.