185 religious places of KPs damaged

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 21: Jammu and Kashmir Government today said that 185 places of worship of Kashmiri Pandits (KPs) in Kashmir valley are either damaged or in a dilapidated condition.
The above information was shared with the Legislative Council today through a written reply by the Minister of State for Revenue, Relief and Rehabilitation, Aijaz Ahmed Khan. He was responding to a query by Congress member Ravinder Kumar Sharma.
Giving out the details, Khan said that the highest number of 40 shrines were damaged or in a dilapidated condition in Anantnag district.
While 28 religious places were similarly affected in Kupwara district, 26 shrines in Baramulla district were in a poor structural condition.
The break up for the other districts was: 21 in Pulwama, 17 in Kulgam district, 19 in Srinagar, 14 each in Budgam and Shopian, 5 in Ganderbal and one in Bandipura, he said.
There are a total of 542 religious places of migrants in Kashmir valley, Khan stated.
As per inputs from the Divisional Commissioner of Kashmir, no land or property belonging to any religious place has been encroached upon or sold in any district of Kashmir.