1879 Hajj pilgrims selected by draw of lots, 4487 under reserved category

As many as 1879 pilgrims were today selected by a draw of lots, while 4487 applicants were registered under reserve category for undergoing Hajj 2015, an official spokesperson said here.
He said draw of lots (Qurrah) for selection of pilgrims of Hajj 2015 was held today at Hajj Committee of India Server at Mumbai with real time display on computer screens in the office of State Hajj Committee.
The Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar, Additional Commissioner Kashmir, Executive Officer, J&K State Hajj Committee and a large number of pilgrims were present on the occasion, he said.
The spokesperson said 29755 applicants were received by the State Hajj Committee for 6366 seats allotted to the State this year.
“2541 people were registered under Reserve Category A (pilgrims aged 70 year above) and 1946 under Reserve Category B (fourth time applicants),” he said.
“For remaining 1879 seats, the pilgrims have been provisionally selected on basis of draw of lots,” he added. The list of pilgrims selected under reserve categories is also publicised for general information on website of State Hajj Committee’s www.jkshc.com and Hajj Committee of India’s website www.hajcommittee.com. (AGENCIES)