2-day Data Management Trg Programme concludes

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 9: The two -day Data Management Training Programme organized by Department of Agriculture, Jammu and Centre for Agriculture Bioscience International (CABI) South Asia concluded here today.
The training programme was conducted for plant doctors and officials of the Department of Agriculture.
Speaking at the inaugural session, Ashok Kumar Malhotra Director Agriculture, Jammu said that the purpose of such trainings is to train the officers/ officials of the Department with regard to management  of data effectively with reference of incidence of any pest and disease in the field crops and simultaneously to upload the same online as plant wise knowledge data bank.
Malhotra impressed upon the officers to interact vigorously with the experts during the training programme to refresh their knowledge regarding various aspects of pest data management including collection, transfer, entry, harmonization, validation, analysis and sharing of data.
He said the data and information collection is the core for future planning and execution of every extension programme including plant health clinics.
The training was imparted by Dr Manju Thakur, Knowledge Bank Coordinator and Ganeshamoorty, Country Coordinator, CABI-South Asia who are the trainers for plant wise programme.
The proceedings were conducted with the presentation of vote of thanks by Anil Nargotra Agriculture Chemist, Jammu.