2 decades on, building of local health centre lying unused

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Dec 9: The locals of Wanganpora area of Eidgah in Srinagar today demanded operationalizing a Health Centre building lying unutilized for the last 2 decades for the betterment of the residents of the area without any further delay.
They said that the construction of the building was initiated more than 20 years ago and was completed just a few years ago and despite being complete, the building has not been made functional for the purpose it was constructed.
It is to be mentioned here that the building has been constructed at the cost of around Rs 80 lakh and more funds were later utilized for the repairs of the building post floods in 2014.
“Despite spending the amount, the building has not been made functional and has not been handed over the Health Department for the betterment of the people living in the area,” Irfan Ahmad Bhat, a local said.
The locals said that while there is a building available, a health centre is functioning one kilometre away in a rented building. “They are wasting their resources; they have a building, but they have left it unattended-it could serve a great purpose,” he said.
The residents said that in the absence of a health centre nearby, they have to go to SKIMS even for minor ailments which could have been attended to at the health centre. “Moreover, the women in case of any emergency during the night have to face immense difficulties in reaching the hospital,” said Jan Muhammad Mir, another resident.
Notably, the locals said that when the approached the Health Department for making the building functional, they were asked to contact the District Administration for the handover process. They were told that the Health Department can initiate further process only after the building is handed over to them.
After that, the locals-under the banner of local Masjid Committee-have now brought the issue into the notice of the District Administration and have requested it to initiate the process of handing over the building to the Health Department so that I could be made functional and the locals are benefitted from it. However, they have so far got no response from the higher-ups in this regard.
The locals said that in the letter written to the administration they have stated a detailed account and have asked the concerned to take up the matter on priority basis so problems faced by the locals are resolved.