2 decades on, Resraypora-Dargam road in bad shape

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, June 24: The residents of Resraypora and Dargam are facing immense hardships due to a dilapidated condition of the road that connects these two villages of Pattan area in North Kashmir’s Baramulla district.
The residents lamented they have been demanding the macadamization and restoration of the road for last two decades, but their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. “For last 21 years, we are facing inconvenience because of the bad road surface. Our health centre is in another village and travel on the road is cumbersome during rains,” President Youth Committee Dargam, Mohammad Ashraf, said, adding that around 5000 people depend on the road link.
As per the residents since 1985, they have written at least 25 applications to the administration for restoration of this important link but nothing has happened so far. “In 2018 the youth committee Dargam wrote to Governor’s grievances cell, but to no avail. In 2019, we wrote to the Chief Engineer Road and Buildings Department under letter no. Y/ 2723 date 19.12.2019, but records of the office were burnt in a massive fire,” a resident said, adding that they have also written to Divisional commissioner in 2020.
The residents said the people with medical emergencies are the worst victims of this road. “In 2012 my aunt died because of this road as she could not reach hospitals on time. The road was muddy and nearly non-motorable due to rain,” Abdul Aziz Wani, a resident from the area said.
The Apple growers also face problems reaching their apple orchards because of the terrible shape of the road.”We have to carry apple boxes to reach a proper road wherefrom they are loaded into trucks. The road could save us extra carriage and time” an Apple grower said.
The residents requested Deputy Commissioner Baramulla, Bhupinder Kumar to intervene in the issue.