2 OGWs arrested, grenade attack on CRPF camp

Security forces alert outside a CRPF installation after militants hurled grenade at Lal Chowk in Srinagar. -Excelsior/Shakeel
Security forces alert outside a CRPF installation after militants hurled grenade at Lal Chowk in Srinagar. -Excelsior/Shakeel

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Jan 11: Police today arrested two persons and recovered arms and ammunition and cash from their possession while militants this evening hurled a grenade on a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) camp in city Centre Lal Chowk.
Sources said that a naka was established near Hotel Dilshan in Shalteng area on Srinagar Baramulla National Highway by the Special Operations Group of Jammu and Kashmir Police during which two people were detained.

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They have been identified as Sajjad Bhat of Pulwama and Waheed of Budgam, who were coming from North Kashmir and were on their way to South Kashmir. Sources said that both of them are Over Ground Workers (OGWs) of militants.
Police recovered arms and ammunition from their possession including one AK 47, one INSAS rifle and one hand grenade. Besides arms, Rs five lakh cash were also seized from their possession
The vehicle under registration number JK13C 2094, in which they were travelling, was seized by Police.
They have been taken to SOG headquarters at Cargo and are being questioned. Police is expecting more arrests on the basis of their information.
In the meantime, militants this evening lobbed a grenade on 132 battalion of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in Lal Chowk area of Srinagar.
The grenade exploded with big bang. However, no loss of life or injury was reported in the incident.
The explosion created panic in the area and shopkeepers ran for the safety. The area was immediately cordoned off, but no militant was found.
The grenade attack in the city Centre took place despite tight security in the area. The area is continuously guarded by security forces.