2 PK factions, ASKPC warn against political interference in HESK

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 21:  Three KP organizations including Panun Kashmir factions led by Dr Ajay Chrungoo and Dr Agnishekhar respectively and All State Kashmiri Pandit Conference (ASKPC) have expressed concern over the state of affairs in Hindu Education Society Kashmir (HESK) a premier institution of Kashmiri Pandits.
In a joint statement issued here today they said the developments taking place in HESK are cause of concern for entire community and warned against any political interference in its functioning.
The trio warned that they will not allow any outside interference in the functioning of Kashmiri Hindu institutions nor will they allow anyone to run the institution as per the directives of any political party as the community has given its sweat and blood for running some premier educational institutions in Kashmir as well as Jammu.
They said that some persons are flaunting the credentials of the organization on the behest of a political party which is totally dangerous and said that the HESK managing body was accountable to the community for its all omissions and commissions.
Maintaining that organisation is accountable to the community they said that a conspiracy is going on at political level to overtake the institution run by it, which will not be allowed at any cost.
The joint statement said that the KPs at large see HESK as a part of its heritage and they can’t remain silent if things go wrong in the organization. The statement, expressed the hope that the HESK management will come clean over the issue.